

In order to Teach one must be teachable or at least be moving in the right direction. Strangest thing though; Most folks are willing to go Gods way as long as He is going their way. Ends up folks are going their own way while making it look like Gods way. The truth seems to be the majority of folks have gone the Way of Eve and Adam. God pretty much said trust me and Eve and Adam Kind of indicated a thanks but no thanks attitude, indications we will take it from here and let ya know if we need ya.
Got folks a curse that continues out of the Pride of life which was there in the beginning. Now understand there were permanent curses put on all of Creation and kind of a pecking order then as to the rules. You See if man would not follow and kill himself and everything else the Sovereign God punished the Responsible man.
Now Depravity exists. Ya See the Pride of Who ya think ya are comes from being depraved. It is indwelling sin.
Now here is the deal about most things. Man(kind) can know, but cannot know, until they know they do not know.
Now here comes a hard truth. No one really cares how much you know. Not even if you Care.
But still, we are all right in our own eyes.


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