Weekly Meditations
One Savior, One Christ, One Gospel, One Truth, Many Lies.
Having spent times in my life studying and in thought and deed, with different denominational and like denominational Christian viewpoints one conclusion has been reached. Anyone who thinks they have it all right is all wrong. It is apparent that the minds of all of us have bigoted convictions with biases which have exploded into a separation of the flock. But this is all OK. God is the Father of every true Christian.
One very sad thing remains. The scripture holds to absolute truth, but never to a divided extreme, one way or the other as men do; and for this reason, most seem to one pick a direction because it has been justified in their minds through induced though; then much is lost and left behind. I have yet to attend a church or listen to a brother preach which has not, even in expository preaching, displayed a bias to his bent. This does not make the Bible pluralistic, contradictory or dialectic, but it is empirical evidence of man’s bent toward such. But this is OK. God Is the Father of every true Christian.
There is only one thing one can say about all of this. Friends, never stop seeking God! If you think you have it right that is the very day in which you have it all wrong. God is not that simple; no one can put Him and His Gloriousness into such a small and “limited” package. To see the truth, one must look beyond the lie. And to say there is no lie is to say that there is no father of lies. He invades every crevice of the Church through every open door and every open window he can find.
Perhaps the greatest dis-service that man has done to himself and his posterity is this. We have forgotten how to think and no longer teach our children or brethren how to think in a critical way. Why? I believe if one examines the truth in this one will find a finger pointing back at oneself in the mirror of examination which is saying, you are afraid of losing control.
And that is sad, so very sad.
One Savior, One Christ, One Gospel, One Truth. And for these reasons I am a Christian. Not a Denomination with a Christian bent but a Christian with perhaps a denominational bent. There is a BIG difference!